David Beeson

What does a day at TCS look like for you?

Each day at TCS is different. I enjoy the challenges that arise and the opportunity to work with different clients and to learn about their  businesses. By understanding what our clients do I am better able to tailor my approach to the collection of their debts and to make suggestions internally about how we, as a company, can do better for our clients.

What aspect of your role do you find the most rewarding?

By far the most rewarding aspect of my position at TCS is being successful in the collection of a debt for our clients. That is why I am here.

When the outcome is favourable for the client, I know that I have met their expectations.

Describe a time when you achieved an unexpected result for a client.

I had a client who had a debt for approximately $350.00. As this amount was similar in cost to that of a Claim issued out of the Magistrates Court, the client was hesitant to proceed as they felt this might be “throwing good money after bad”.

I talked through the clients concerns and let them know that as there was no known dispute it seemed that the customer simply did not have a good  attitude towards the debt and that given the customer was working I’d recommend proceeding with legal action, with the specific purpose of issuing a Garnishee Order (an attachment to their earnings) The client agreed with my recommendation and the debt, plus the cost of the legal expenses, were all recovered as a result of the Garnishee.

The client trusted my recommendation which brought about a positive result.