Working in the local economy means TCS is always abreast of local economic challenges and the issues impacting Tasmanian business.

We understand the challenges you and your business face, which is why we aim to provide articles to share our knowledge with you and assist you and your business to make the best credit related decisions and lessen the risk of incurring bad debt where possible.

When relevent news comes to hand, we’ll be sure to sure it with you through our blog, below.

Insolvencies remain high in construction

2024-04-10T16:46:18+10:00April 10th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Insolvencies remain high in construction – Brad Walters Head of Product & Rating Services Equifax

This is the third consecutive year of writing for this publication that we’ve had cause to report on the ongoing economic challenges faced by Australia’s construction industry. Equifax quarterly commercial insights show that this sector continues to grapple with escalating levels of defaults and insolvency, contributing to a risky lending environment.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, construction sector insolvencies surged by 32% […]

Congratulations on 20 years Lou!

2024-03-12T12:40:26+10:00March 12th, 2024|Uncategorized|

20 years ago Lou was looking to get into paid employment and so we were approached by the agency Lou had listed with to see if we could take Lou on for 1 weeks work experience. 20 years later and we cant do without her.

After successfully completing her week of work experience and joining us parttime Lou took over our mailroom which was a busy little enterprise producing about 2000 items of mail a week. Lou took to the challenge like a duck to water and managed to tame […]

A few minutes with Zoe

2024-03-12T13:40:22+10:00March 12th, 2024|Uncategorized|

What is your role at TCS?   Administration Assistant

How long have you been with TCS? I have been with TCS for 4 months

Where did you come from?  I was working as a restaurant/ bar manager at veg bar, as well as managing multiple social media accounts for FKAJD Restaurants.

Tell me about your role? I am one of Kristy’s minions! I assist with administrative duties such as processing client debt collection lodgements, managing the cashier inbox, conducting searches, processing Bpay’s, printing the mail and processing Personal Information Records.

What’s your favourite thing about coming […]

Communication is a wonderful thing!

2024-03-12T09:48:13+10:00March 12th, 2024|Uncategorized|

I’d love to know how many times I’ve said that one phrase. So true because it’s such a simple message. Yet something that can be so challenging to do!

Communication can lead to the most straightforward solution to really pressing situations. Personally, socially, in our families, at work or in the business world, communication plays a role. It helps us understand and to be understood.

As soon as you get two or more people together talking, on the phone, on a video call – or you’re writing an email or letter […]

Equifax Quarterly Commercial Insights for 2023 Q4 – Summary

2024-02-13T09:08:22+10:00February 13th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Overall commercial credit demand fell as market conditions vary between state.

Insolvencies continue to rise, with December marking a 5-year high.

Highlights include:

·         Overall business credit applications reduced by -0.9% (vs December quarter 2022)

·         Business loan applications decreased by -4.1% (vs December quarter 2022)

·         Trade credit applications fell by -0.4% (vs December quarter 2022)

·         Asset finance applications increased by +8.9% (vs December quarter 2022)

If you would like a copy of the full report please contact us at [email protected]

Make every day like New Year’s Day

2023-12-12T08:56:03+10:00December 12th, 2023|Uncategorized|

What is it about this time of year? You’ll probably know what I mean: the frantic run to this often self-imposed deadline of Xmas. Suddenly, we need to have everything done by then!

Then it’s Xmas. So whatever Xmas means for you and how you celebrate or recognise this time of the year, I hope it’s all you want it to be. Quiet or frenetic. With family and friends or by yourself. Working or volunteering. Or simply celebrating the lives and memories of those no longer with you.

At Xmas we […]

Meet our Hobart Collector Ash

2023-12-12T08:51:01+10:00December 5th, 2023|Uncategorized|

What is your role at TCS? Account Manager.

How long have you been with TCS? Since July 2021

Where did you come from? I was born in Hobart, and I have been doing collections for around 5 years, before that I was in the sales industry.

Tell me about your role? I work predominantly in the collections team, resolving accounts and ensuring that we get the best results for our clients, I also do some of our skip tracing, this allows us to locate customers then otherwise may be uncontactable.

What’s your favourite […]

Work – and Life – can be Messy

2023-09-18T15:23:03+10:00September 18th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Recently I’ve read a few articles and posts about how life is meant to be in small business. Organic growth. Free-flowing sales. Steady cash flow. Nothing saying that work – and life – can be messy.

In a few clicks on the keyboard, saying that if these things aren’t happening, you’re not only unsuccessful – you’re letting the team and your family down whilst putting everything at risk. Life lessons and challenges thrown under the bus as bad things. Not the backbone of the story each of us – and […]

Time for a Spring Clean!

2023-09-07T15:41:01+10:00September 7th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Just saying the word can instantly make you feel better as we shake off any ill feelings winter has left us with and look forward to warmer and longer days.

However, the change in season can feel like a two-edged sword to business owners because while it provides us with an opportunity to refresh and set goals, at the same time the end of the calendar year feels all too close for comfort.

Fortunately for you, I have some tips for a little Spring clean that will help you regain some […]

A few minutes with Zac

2023-09-19T09:23:08+10:00September 5th, 2023|Uncategorized|

What is your role at TCS?   A jack of all trades really, collections & administration based in our Launceston office

How long have you been with TCS? I was with the business from 2016 to 2018, took a break away and now back since December 2022

Where did you come from? I was born and raised in the Launceston area. I have worked in sports for the past 16 years alongside some of my work here at TCS. I am now also studying to become a Health and Physical Education Teacher.

Tell […]

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